Himalayan Shangri La


Himalayan Shangri La

Dans la Vallée d'Ilam au Nepal

John Taylor marketing manager of HTPC

Himalayan Shangri la, located in the Ilam Valley at an altitude of 1,500m, was launched in 1999 and produces only organically grown teas. It is what is called a "Bought Leaf Factory": the factory processes the fresh leaves of a network of more than 400 small producers organized in cooperatives. Their plots of land are located between 1 400 and 1 700m on the Himalayan foothills.

I discovered its vintages in 2009, first of all their white tea version and it was love at first sight! I then approached the cooperative in Nepal that markets them and that has done a great job to promote Nepalese teas that were still unknown to the general public and of great quality: the Himalayan Tea Producers Consortium. At its head for the promotion and maintenance of quality, an emblematic figure to promote Nepalese tea internationally: John Taylor whose work I have been following for fifteen years.