Portraits de Thés : Voyage dans 40 pays producteurs
Portraits de Thés : Voyage dans 40 pays producteurs
Portraits de Thés : Voyage dans 40 pays producteurs
Portraits de Thés : Voyage dans 40 pays producteurs

Portraits de Thés : Voyage dans 40 pays producteurs

In this book, I propose a world tour of tea producing countries, from the most famous like China, India, Sri Lanka, to the most unexpected like Peru, Malaysia or Hawaii... This book is a journey behind the scenes of tea culture: a story of men and women, of terroirs and rituals as rich as they are unique. For each tea, I give you advice on preparation and sommellerie, a gastronomic approach to tea that can be served at the table in the same way as wine. This personal selection of 119 teas was found during my travels. This book was also the inspiration for my online store, especially for the photos of Rebecca.

by Lydia Gautier in collaboration with Joëlle Danies, photographs by Rebecca Rübcke, published by Delachaux & Niestlé, October 2018, prefaced by Marc Dufumier, agronomist and professor emeritus at AgroParisTech

For book signings, you can send the information by email to boutique@lydiagautier.com

Regular price34,90 €